Monday, November 26, 2012

The Diner

Another boring day in my life to be documented.
This morning I found a viral infection on my foot, but I'm not sure where to find a doctor around here. I guess I'll worry about it another day.  
I went to work, which was the same old thing as usual.
Often times I'll visit a small diner near my house after work just to check out what color the eggs are today. I sat next to my homeless friend, Bill. I'm not sure why homeless people are always sitting at diners. Maybe it's because he uses the heat from the grill to keep warm in the winter. Bill also has an affinity for cocaine, but that's another story.
Bill turns to me and he's like, "Why is your hair all green?"
To which I replied, "I don't really know."
I think it could be from the chemicals I use at work, but I can't know for sure. After all, I'm just a jan - sanitation engineer. Oh, we've all seen that Dave Chapelle movie. I'm a janitor.

Don't lie. You have seen this movie before.
Anyway, sometimes I soak my head in the mop bucket when my hair is starting to smell. It's not my fault my shower hasn't been working. A little sponge bath at work and I'm good to go.
So I ordered a sausage, which Bill didn't want to share despite his homelessness. I guess he's a picky eater.
And then I went home, where I am now, to tell my diligent non-readers about my day.

Until next time,

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