Sunday, December 2, 2012

Guess Who's Back?

Diligent non-readers!!!
I want to apologize deeply for taking 3 whole days off from telling you about my life.
I wasn't able to make it to the library because I was really busy with work.
Actually, I want to tell you all about this fantastic book I just discovered, to you readers out there who take your reading beyond your computer screen.
It's called A Million Little Pieces.
Can't believe I'm just hearing about this book!
I just found it in the library today, and wow, it is amazing! It's by James Frey and you wouldn't believe how much this man has been through. He can be a true inspiration to just about anyone! The best part is that this is a TRUE STORY. I found it in the nonfiction section, and apparently he's even been on Oprah and everything. I haven't finished reading it yet, but it sure is a page-turner. Of course, the most impressive thing is that this man really went through all of this; I couldn't even imagine. What a tough life.

Keep reading!

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