Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Protect Your Home

Hello again,
Today I want to write about mice.
Mice are small mammals with pointed snouts and long tails.
They are usually nocturnal and nearly blind, so they rely on their hearing, because their ears are so big and stuff.
Baby mice are hairless and very creepy-looking.
Some people keep mice as pets.
Some people think mice are cute, and some think they are repulsive.
I found a mouse in my house once, and I felt kind of bad just squishing it with my shoe like a bug. So I decided to keep him a little cardboard box with holes poked in it. He didn't really like me though, because he scratched his way out, ate all my cereal then literally chewed a hole in my wall and now it seems like his whole family enjoys staying in my home and raiding my cereal boxes.

Everyone kill your mice,

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